Assessment and Interventions for Domestic Abuse in Intimate Partners
This training provides attendees an overview of Domestic Violence-Focused Couples Treatment (DVFCT) and guidelines for how to incorporate the model’s core techniques into clinical practice. Attendees will learn how to screen couples to determine their appropriateness for conjoint couple’s work, ways to prepare each partner for conjoint treatment, and techniques to use in conjoint IPV-focused partner therapy sessions.Developed by Drs. Sandra Stith, Eric McCollum, and Karen Rosen at Virginia Tech, DVFCT uses a con-joint couples treatment approach to help partners learn new techniques for managing conflict and ending violence, regardless of whether or not they choose to remain together or co—parent. Evaluation of the DVFCT approach has demonstrated that the model is effective for couples in a variety of contexts, includ-ing military families and parents involved with child protective services for child maltreatment.
All orders include the entire presentation with handouts and a CE test.
Streaming videos and audio downloads will be available immediately after checkout
Mailed CD and DVD formats include the printed handouts and CE test in an attractive portfolio
Participants will be able to describe:
- how to carefully screen partners individually to determine if partner violence is occurring
- how to determine if the type of violence that is occurring is intimate terrorism or situational couple violence.
- how to determine if the couple is appropriate for conjoint treatment.
- strategies for providing ongoing screening to determine if couples treatment remains safe and effective.
- the format for single couple versus multi-couple group treatment for IPV.
- the process and content of each of the first six sessions.
- the process which occurs in the final 12 weeks for treatment.
Assessment and Screening for Intimate Partner Violence.
- Understand the importance of screening all couples for IPV
- Understand and assess for the types of IPV the couple might be experiencing (including situational IPV and intimate terrorism)
- Understand how to determine if it can be safe to offer conjoint treatment.
Overview of Strategies used to provide Couples Treatment Safely.
- Strategies for providing ongoing screening during treatment to ensure that the treatment remains safe and effective.
- Weekly pre-session and post-session assessment.
- Strategies to safely terminate treatment if treatment is deemed inappropriate
First Four Weeks of Treatment
- Solution-focused therapy
- Visioning a positive future
- Understanding IPV
- Mindfulness strategies
Final Sessions
- Developing a negotiated time-out
- When substance abuse is a co-occurring problem
- Adapting final 12 sessions