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Autism Spectrum Disorders: Best Practices for Assessment and Interventions

11.50 CE Hours Available

This course will help practitioners identify, assess, diagnose, and accommodate the symptoms of ASD and co-occurring conditions from infancy through adulthood. The first 4 sessions cover screening, detection, and diagnostic evaluations using state-of-the-art measures, including how telehealth practices and scientific biomarkers can be used to help inform the diagnostic process. The second four sessions cover evidence-based intervention practices, as well as educational, therapeutic, adaptive, and vocational supports and accommodations.





J&K Seminars does not provide NBCC credit for this program.

All orders include the entire presentation with handouts and a CE test.
Streaming videos and audio downloads will be available immediately after checkout
Mailed CD and DVD formats include the printed handouts and CE test in an attractive portfolio

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DVD Video w/ Streaming Video
CD Audio w/ Audio Download
Streaming Video
Audio Download


Participants will be able to describe:

· Features of Autism Spectrum Disorder across varying profiles of cognition and language

· Common co-occurring conditions with ASD, including other neurodevelopmental disorders and affective disorders

· Concepts of masking and camouflaging in individuals with intact cognition, particularly females

· Evidence-based methods of intervention

· Strategies and accommodations to foster social, emotional, and behavioral skills

· Supports for transitional and vocational services



Clinical Features of & Epidemiological Update on ASD
(2 hr 17 min 31 sec)

· Diagnostic Criteria for ASD

· Risk Factors in Infancy

· Prevalence and Epidemiological Statistics

· Race, Ethnic, and Socioeconomic Disparities

Screening and Detection Methods 

· Research on Genetic & Environmental Influences on ASD

· Screeners for Infants, Toddlers, and School-Age Individuals

· Use of Biomarkers to Detect ASD

Comprehensive Developmental Approach to Evaluation
(1 hr 40min 38 sec)

· Assessing Cognition and Adaptive Behavior

· Assessing Speech/Language/Communication Skills

· Conducting a Diagnostic History

· Direct and Remote Diagnostic Assessment Measures

Diagnostic Differentials and Co-Occurring Conditions
(1 hr  26 min 45 sec)

· Assessing Social-Emotional & Behavioral Skills

· Neuropsychological Assessments

· Common Diagnostic Differentials and Co-Occurring Conditions

Translating Assessment Results into Intervention Objectives
(1 hr 30 min 53 sec)

· Writing Comprehensive and Integrated Reports

· Developing a Hierarchy of Needs

· Differentiating Educational Eligibility from Standards of Best Practice

· Determining Appropriate Educational Placement

Overview of Evidence-Based Practices
 (1 hr 31min 25 sec)

· Applied Behavior Analysis

· Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Interventions

· Parent Coaching/Parent Training Models

· Universal Design for Learning and SEE-KS

· Educational, Organizational, and Visual Supports

Strategies & Interventions to Foster Social-Emotional Functioning
(1 hr 19 min 41 sec)

· Social Stories

· Video Modeling

· Social Skills Groups

· Peer Training

· Social-Emotional and Behavioral Interventions

Adolescence and Adulthood (1 hr 51 min 31 sec)

· Puberty, Self-Care, and Adaptive Behavior Strategies

· Pharmacological Treatments

· Transition Planning

· College and Vocational Supports

· Self-Advocacy and Family Supports