Best Practices in the Ethics of Record Keeping: How to Avoid an Encounter with the Licensing Board
3.00 CE Hours Available
3.00 CE Hours Ethics
This course provides practicing mental health professionals with guidance in order to negotiate both clinical and risk management issues. Topics include how to store, maintain and dispose of paper and electronic records, patient access to records, and how to document high risk situations. HIPAA and state laws and regulations relevant to documentation and record keeping will also be discussed.
All orders include the entire presentation with handouts and a CE test.
Streaming videos and audio downloads will be available immediately after checkout
Mailed CD and DVD formats include the printed handouts and CE test in an attractive portfolio
Participants will be able to:
- Describe critical elements of effective documentation
- List information often missing in clinical records.
- Describe ethical issues related to retention and disposal of clinical records
- Identify major licensing board concerns regarding clinical records.
- Describe essential characteristics of ethical decision-making
- Why Keep Records
- Goals of Record Keeping
- What to Include in the File
- Record Storage and Disposal
- Length of Record Retention
- Patient Access to Records
- Vignettes