Mindful Self-Compassion: Core Skills Training
10.50 CE Hours Available
Vintage courses do not offer ASWB ACE credit for social workers
J&K Seminars does not provide NBCC credit for this program.
All orders include the entire presentation with handouts and a CE test.
Streaming videos and audio downloads will be available immediately after checkout
Mailed CD and DVD formats include the printed handouts and CE test in an attractive portfolio
Participants will be able to describe:
- Three key components of self-compassion
- Key research supporting the benefits of selfcompassion
- Techniques to increase self-compassion in everyday life
- Self-compassion approaches to alleviate caregiver burnout
- Ways to teach basic self-compassion skills to clients
Self-Compassion – Core Concepts
- Exercise: How Do I Treat a Friend?
- Self-Compassion Theory
- Exercise: Soothing Touch & Self-Compassion Break
- Misgiving Living Deeply
- Meditation: Giving and Receiving Compassion
- Finding Hidden Value in Suffering
- Exercise: Silver Linings ? Exercise: Compassionate Listening Meeting Difficult Emotions ? Stages of Acceptance ? Exercise: Soften, Soothe, Allow ? Shame Self-Compassion for Caregivers ? Meditation: Compassionate Friend ? Empathetic Resonance ? Caregiver Fatigue ? Exercise: Self-Compassion with Equanimity ? Self-Compassion for Clinicians Embracing Your Life ? Negativity Bias ? Cultivating Happiness: Savoring and Gratitude ? Exercise: Gratitude ? Self-Appreciation ? Exercise: Appreciating What’s Good About Ourselves ? Exercise: What Would You Like to Remember?
- Self-Compassion Research
- Meditation: Affectionate Breathing
- Present Moment Awareness and Resistance
- Relationship of Mindfulness and Compassion
- Meditation: Loving-Kindness for a Loved One
- Exercise: Compassionate Movement
- Backdraft
- Self-Compassion in Clinical Practice
- Why Do We Criticize Ourselves?
- Exercise: Compassionate Motivation
- Stages of Progress