Spirituality for Human Service Providers and Their Clients
Therapy and spirituality? Many therapists have been taught that they shouldn’t be mixed. In this workshop, however, you will learn how spirituality and therapy are inextricably bound and how to use spirituality with even the most challenging cases.
Through lecture, case examples, poetry, music and clear handouts, participants will learn new therapeutic tools and ideas that respectfully work with each client’s sense of spirituality.
Vintage courses do not offer ASWB ACE credit for social workers
J&K Seminars does not provide NBCC credit for this program.
All orders include the entire presentation with handouts and a CE test.
Streaming videos and audio downloads will be available immediately after checkout
Mailed CD and DVD formats include the printed handouts and CE test in an attractive portfolio
Participants will be able to describe:
- A clear, practical model for using spirituality
- How to use spirituality in therapy without imposing or intruding
- How to do a rapid spiritual assessment
- How to tap into spiritual resources to solve serious and previously intractable problems (even with agnostic, difficult or skeptical clients)
- The research on spirituality, therapy and mental health
Spirituality in Therapy?
- What does spirituality have to do with therapy?
- Ways to access spirituality
- Research on the value of spirtuality
Including Spiritual Sensibilities Into Therapy
- Spiritual Assessments
- How people get alienated, lose meaning &purpose
The PDM: a Taxonomy for the Total Personality
Developing the Inclusive Self
- Sitting with darkness
- Acknowledgement & possibility
The Spiritual Basis for Therapy
- A Grace Model of Therapy
- Changing and doing the content of the problem