Strategic and Experiential Approaches to Treating Depression
This course emphasizes the importance of using proactive and well-targeted interventions when treating depressed clients. These include the use of task assignments and focusing processes such as hypnosis and guided meditation.
J&K Seminars does not provide NBCC credit for this program.
All orders include the entire presentation with handouts and a CE test.
Streaming videos and audio downloads will be available immediately after checkout
Mailed CD and DVD formats include the printed handouts and CE test in an attractive portfolio
Participants will be able to describe:
- How the rising rates of depression are related to a variety of social factors
- Common risk factors of depression and their implications for treatment planning
- How global cognition in problem formation can hinder treatment
- Active intervention strategies for facilitating recovery
- Discrimination strategies that enhance decision-making skills and minimize stress generation patterns
- How therapists can use hypnosis and guided mindfulness meditations to create an internal shift in clients’ quality and direction of focus
- How to integrate hypnosis with CBT in specific goal-oriented ways
- How therapists can use focusing processes such as hypnosis and mindfulness to motivate active client participation in therapy
Biology and Psychology on a Collision Course
- What Psychotherapy Can Do Better
- Evolving an Active Treatment Framework
The Power of Focus Dynamics of Experiential Treatment
- Why Employ Hypnosis and Guided Mindfulness Meditations?
- Group Focusing Exercise: Evolving Flexibility
Watching it Work: A Video Demonstration: The Case of Myra
- Deconstruction of the Session: Targets of Treatment
Hypnosis and Mindfulness as Contexts for Learning Temporal Orientation and Depression: Implications for Treatment
- Small Group Exercise: Designing Foresight
- Debriefing the exercise
Global Cognitive Style and Depression: Implications for Treatment
- Discrimination Strategies in Treatment: How Do You Know?
Full Group Exercise: Assessing Controllability
- Small Group Exercise: Forming Discrimination Criteria
1:1 Exercise: Helping a Colleague with a Discrimination Issue
- Debriefing the Exercise: Lessons Learned
- Current Research on Medications
Depression and Stress Generation
- Decision Making and Choice Architecture
- Learning to Think Preventively
- Q&A and Summary