Suicide: Treatment, Ethics & Risk Management
5.25 CE Hours Available
3.00 CE Hours Ethics
NOTE: You may not take this R0617b program for credit if you already took the R0617 12-hour program live or as a home study program.
Vintage courses do not offer ASWB ACE credit for social workers
All orders include the entire presentation with handouts and a CE test.
Streaming videos and audio downloads will be available immediately after checkout
Mailed CD and DVD formats include the printed handouts and CE test in an attractive portfolio
Participants will be able to describe:
- Key factors necessary to recognize, differentiate and effectively manage self-harm and suicidal behaviors
- Core competencies in the management of suicidal thinking and behavior
- Ways of effectively responding to suicidal crises that raise ethical issues
- Guidelines for clinical record keeping
Brief Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (BCBT)
- Case Conceptualization and Treatment Phases
- Clinical Care Strategies and Techniques
- The treatment journal
- Commitment to treatment statement
- Reasons for living cards
- Crisis response planning
- Survival kits
BCBT Clinical Management
- Strategies
- Role Plays
Ethical Issues with Suicidal Patients
- Clinical Case Examples
Essentials of Documentation
- Use of Standard Risk Assessment Forms
3 CE Ethics