Assessment & Interventions for Executive Function Difficulties
Live Interactive Webinar - 12 CE credits - Co-Sponsored with the Pennsylvania Psychological Association - Registration Closed
November 19, 2020 to November 20, 2020
Total 12 CE credits for attending both days.
This presentation will help participants gain a deeper understanding of executive functions and how executive functions deficits impact the behavior and academic production of children and adolescents. Participants will gain state-of-the-art knowledge of the most effective ways to help children and adolescents improve their use of executive functions.
Objectives—Participants will be able to describe:
· A comprehensive model of executive control.
·The difference between executive functions and executive skills.
·How executive functions and skills operate differently at different levels of executive control.
·Ways to assess executive functions and executive skills.
·The executive control intervention continuum.
·Appropriate evidence-based interventions that improve executive control.
Sources of information about interventions that address executive control difficulties.
Objectives—Participants will be able to describe:
A comprehensive model of executive control.
The difference between executive functions and executive skills.
How executive functions and skills operate differently at different levels of executive control.
Ways to assess executive functions and executive skills.
The executive control intervention continuum.
Appropriate evidence-based interventions that improve executive control.
Sources of information about interventions that address executive control difficulties.