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The Cognitive Distortion Starter Kit: Defeating Self-Critical Thoughts in Clients and Therapists

Webinar Only - 8:30 a.m. - 4:45 p.m. ET - Co-Sponsored with the Pennsylvania Psychological Association - Registration Closed

November 13, 2020

Other seminar info: 

7 hours CE Credit 

In this workshop, you will learn how to select the most effective treatment methods based on the distortions in your clients’ (or your own) negative thoughts. Dr. Burns will present many case examples and role play demonstrations to help you master powerful techniques that can boost your effectiveness in the treatment of patients struggling with depression, anxiety, and self-doubt.
  Do you sometimes beat up on yourself with self-critical thoughts? You will learn how to boost your own feelings of joy and self-acceptance as well.
  You will learn many methods to crush each of the ten familiar cognitive distortions, including: Positive Reframing, Shades of Grey, Best/Worst/Average, Be Specific, the Externalization of Voices, Let’s Define Terms, the Socratic Technique, the Survey Technique, the Experimental Technique, Examine the Evidence, the Acceptance Paradox, the Feared Fantasy, and more!

Objectives - Participants will be able to describe:
·  All-or-Nothing thinking
·  Distortions in your patients’ negative thoughts
·  The purpose of The Double Standard Technique
·  The Externalization of Voices Technique
·  The use of The Reattribution Technique
·  At least three Cognitive Distortions
·  The purpose of the Feared Fantasy Technique