Treating Depression Strategically: Defining the Client as an Active Collaborator
Live Interactive Webinar - 10:00 am - 5:15 pm ET - REGISTRATION CLOSED
November 17, 2023
6 CE Hours- 10:00 am - 5:15 pm ET
Live Interactive Webinar
Seminar Description
Depression is the most common mood disorder in the world, one that is still growing steadily in both prevalence and severity. How a clinician thinks about the nature of depression and answers fundamental questions - such as what causes depression - naturally determines what treatment approaches they are most likely to take. Regardless of one’s preferred theoretical orientation, however, depression experts agree that treatment needs to be multi-dimensional and active in teaching skills in key areas such as coping, social, and problem-solving skills.
Furthermore, the more we learn about the neuroscience of mood, especially neuroplasticity and neurogenesis, the more important well-designed experiential learning processes become in treatment. These include the use of structured task assignments and focusing processes, such as hypnosis and guided meditations, that can be applied in treatment to teach mood self-regulation skills. Dr Yapko will provide many examples of such approaches in this one-day webinar
Participants will be able to:
· Identify key patterns of subjective experience that cause and maintain depression
· Develop specific active intervention strategies for facilitating recovery
· Identify the role of global cognition as an essential target in treatment
· Describe the changing epidemiology of depression
· Relate the rising rates of depression to a variety of social factors
· Identify specific ways that skill-building psychotherapies can outperform antidepressant medications
It’s Time to Revise the Usual Perspectives About Depression
- The changing face of depression and its treatment
- What the COVID pandemic highlighted about our vulnerabilities
- Re-thinking the role of antidepressants
- Evolving an active treatment framework
- Why strategic and experiential therapies are proving to be vital approaches
- What the science says: Key risk factors and subjective patterns of experience
- Global cognitive style and its implications for treatment
Break: 11:30 – 11:45
Identifying Pathways Into and Out of Depression
- Depression and the illusion of knowledge
- Bad decisions that make depression worse
- Asking “how,” not “why” as a way to identify targets of treatment
- Misreading the issue of controllability and its role in depression
- Video clips of interviews that highlight the power of a good “how” question
Lunch Break: 1:15 – 2:00
The Power of Focusing Approaches and Experiential Learning
- Hypnosis, guided meditations, and experiential learning in treating depression
- Hypnosis in particular provides active learning contexts
- Watching it Work: A video demonstration of hypnosis with a depressed woman
- Debriefing the session
Break: 3:30 – 3:45
Facilitating Learning Opportunities In-Between Sessions
- The merits of structured task assignments
- Hypnotically “seeding” tasks, assigning homework, and the follow through
- Types of homework and recommended strategies
- Can depression be prevented? What we’ve learned
- Summary and closure